Often when you have an injury or damage to specific tissues or joints in your body, doctors may prescribe medications to assist in pain management or suggest surgery to correct or support these tissues. While some medications can assist with pain management, they may also limit the body’s innate healing processes. And while surgeries may be necessary in some cases, they do bear a higher risk due to the invasive nature of such procedures. There are alternative treatment options to help reduce pain and assist the body in its natural healing process.

So, what are some other options for dealing with soft tissue damage and joint-related issues? Regenerative injection therapies present a few options.

Regenerative injection therapies are used by a number of Naturopathic clinics in Calgary. These therapies work by assisting your body to bring the necessary nutrients, growth factors, immune cells, and so forth to the site of injury. Treatments that allow your cells, tissues, and organs to heal naturally help improve the function of any damaged areas. You may be a candidate for regenerative medicine therapy if you have experienced a loss in your normal capabilities, strength, or range of motion.

Here are some key regenerative injection therapies that may be available:

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Injections

Platelets are a certain type of cell found in your blood that assists in the body’s health processes. They are best known for clustering and bind together to form clots in areas of damage or injury, thereby stopping bleeding from occurring or continuing there.

Platelets also have another critical function – they contain and release growth factors that assist in the repair of tissues in the body. The concentration of these platelets – such as within Platelet Rich Plasma – results in a many-fold increase in available growth factors within the injection solution. When injected into an area of degeneration or injury, this growth-factor rich solution stimulates repair on a much larger and rapid scale. Over time, this accelerated healing can, in turn, lead to decreased pain, swelling, and dysfunction in these tissues.


A sterile solution of sugar or saline is injected into the pain points on your body to reduce the discomfort you are feeling. Prolotherapy encourages your body to heal by stimulating your regenerative mechanism.

What are some possible additional benefits of prolotherapy in Calgary?

  • Increased strength
  • Better mobility
  • No need for surgery

Ozone Therapy

Ozone is injected into your body where your injury is located so your body can heal from within your cells. This therapy is used to treat some diseases and other negative conditions like arthritis, Lyme Disease, and diabetes. By boosting your oxygen capacity overall, ozone therapy improves your ability to prevent infection and strengthens your immune system. Ozone therapy limits the unwanted effects of viruses, fungi, bacteria, and yeast.

Are you ready to book your appointment at a naturopathic clinic in Calgary? Helping your body heal naturally can help you avoid prescription medications and surgery.