Hormones are compounds created by your body to send chemical signals through your blood to your tissues, thereby enacting or regulating their function in a particular manner. Your health relies heavily upon the balance of your hormones! If an imbalance exists, many aspects of your life can become ‘off-kilter’, such as:

  • Sleep cycles
  • Metabolism
  • Reproductive cycles
  • Mood
  • Digestion

To have a healthy mind and body, it is important to try re-balancing these hormonal signals. This can be achieved through a variety of approaches, and Naturopathic treatments are available to help. Below are some possible signs that you may have a hormonal imbalance, and some things that may be done to help.

Hormones words

Insomnia or poor sleep

Do you have a hard time falling asleep, or perhaps can’t sleep at all? This could be a sign that a hormone imbalance exists. A simple starting point can be sleep hygiene (i.e. keeping your sleep area comfortable and dark, avoiding using your sleeping area as a work area or place to watch tv, etc.) Daily exercise and reducing the amount of caffeine and alcohol you consume are other avenues that may help to minimize insomnia or poor sleep. However, if sleeping is still an issue despite these changes, a more in-depth look into hormone levels may be warranted.

Weight Issues

Have you noticed extra pounds appearing on your scale without there being a definite reason? Or perhaps you’re trying to lose weight, and despite your best efforts are unable to do so. These challenges with weight may be a result of hormone imbalance. You should consider consulting a health expert to determine the source of these weight challenges. One such hormonal culprit may be Cortisol, as its levels can increase as a result of stress, thus causing your body to retain and redistribute fat centrally (i.e. around the midsection, and around organs). Your thyroid hormones may also be an area to investigate, as thyroid hormones help regulate metabolism (energy expenditure, body temperature, muscular activity, and so forth). Steroid hormones, such as estrogen, progesterone and testosterone are also key pieces of the hormonal puzzle.

Fertility issues

Are you trying to get pregnant but are having a hard time conceiving? Once again, hormonal imbalances may exist, making it difficult for you to become pregnant or maintain a pregnancy. Consultation with a practitioner with a special focus on Woman’s Health may be warranted, as they can enhance your understanding with respect to the deeper reasons behind your conception challenges. You may consider having these hormonal levels evaluated, using blood, urine or saliva.

Feeling down or anxious

Hormone balance may yet be again at play when considering mood. If you find yourself feeling down or perhaps anxious to the point that it affects your daily living, then an investigation into reasons that may include a hormonal change may be warranted. As with sleeping issues, simple changes in your daily habits can be a good starting point. Eating healthier foods, drinking less caffeine and alcohol, and ensuring a good amount of daily exercise may all produce positive results. However, if these simple changes are insufficient, there are many remedies available to help address the hormonal and neurochemical imbalances. Your Naturopathic Doctor is an excellent resource for recommendations for help!

Blood, urine and salivary testing are also available for evaluation here, and your Naturopathic Doctor will be able to provide you with advice on the most appropriate for you.

Feel Balanced

As mentioned before, hormonal balance is a key piece of overall health and wellness.
Feeling vital and healthy are important goals to achieve, are there may be ways your ND can help you should you require!