Infection and Immune Support
with Ozone IV Therapy in Calgary
Our immune system plays a critical role in our overall health and well-being, striving to balance our function while defending against a host of immune challenges daily. However, infections may occasionally outpace our immune function, and thus require assistance in their elimination from our bodies.
Ozone – an effective and versatile multimodal molecule
Ozone, a tri-oxygen gas, is a substance that has shown an incredible ability to inactivate or eradicate micro-organisms. In a medical setting, it may be applied topically, by injection, or intravenously. When administered intravenously – through saline or a procedure called ‘Major Autohemotherapy’ – ozone exhibits strong systemic anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal activity. In the context of infection, this relatively non-invasive procedure can make it an ideal choice therapeutically.
Ozone therapy for viruses
Viruses, arguably the most common type of infectious agent, can be extraordinarily susceptible to destruction by ozone. Ozone can work by several mechanisms, including damage to viral envelope proteins (the layer which they use to protect themselves). Through its oxidation activity, ozone can also damage other structures within the viruses themselves. Viral replication can also be interrupted by ozone, as peroxidation has been shown to disrupt cell-to-cell adhesion between viruses.
Excitingly, new and emerging research also points to ozone’s ability to activate regulatory cellular signalling within our own immune systems, thereby enhancing our ability to clear infections. Through these actions, ozone can be an ideal compound for the elimination of viral organisms from our system, while presenting little-to-no issues for our own cells.
Ozone therapy for Bacteria
Bacterial envelopes are composed of structures such as phospholipids and lipoproteins. Through the mechanism of pro-oxidation, ozone disrupts the integrity of bacterial cell envelopes by oxidizing these phospholipids and lipoproteins. When these structures become oxidized, they lose their integrity and function, and without them the bacteria cannot survive.
Bacteria can also employ biofilms, which loosely described are a collection of bacterial cells that grow within a ‘slimy’ matrix of compounds, adhering to the surfaces of certain tissues. These matrices serve to protect the micro-organisms from destruction by the immune system or other compounds hostile to these cells. In certain concentrations, ozone has been shown to impact and eliminate biofilms, stripping these bacteria of their ‘defense matrix’ and making them susceptible to both immune and oxidative destruction.
Ozone therapy for fungi
Numerous fungi aren’t “fun-guys” when it comes to our health (who doesn’t love a science joke or two??) Pathological fungi are often resilient, infectious, and difficult to clear from our systems. Ozone may be an excellent, useful therapy in this regard. At certain concentrations, ozone can inhibit the growth and replication of these fungal organisms, or even can exhibit fungicidal (fungus-killing) activity. While often a ‘step-wise’ process, these resilient organisms often have no recourse against ozone and its activity.

For Questions or To Book An Appointment
Phone: 403-301-7406
For Inquiries About Services
Phone: 587-888-1175
Clinic hours
Monday – Friday: 9 am to 5 pm
Located at the Paradigm Health Group
Suite 529, 10333 Southport Road SW
Calgary, Alberta, T2W 3X6