IV Therapy

Clinic in Calgary

Intravenous Therapy – or “IV Therapy” – involves the introduction and rapid delivery of concentrated substances (such as vitamins, minerals or other compounds) directly into the bloodstream, thereby bypassing absorption via the gastrointestinal tract. The potent impact of these treatments can be rapid, and confer many benefits that outstrip standard methods of administration (such as by mouth).

What Intravenous Therapy is commonly used for

IV nutrient therapy in Calgary can offer many different benefits. Some examples may include rapid rehydration, remedy nutrient deficiencies, support immune function, reduce fatigue, help combat infection, and much more. There is a more rapid delivery of nutrients are other compounds to cells and tissues when they are administered directly into the bloodstream. Some conditions that IV Therapy is may be applicable for:

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  • Metabolic Support (Energy / Nutrient Infusion)
  • Allergies
  • Sports Performance
  • Adjunctive Cancer Care
  • Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative colitis, etc.)`
  • Chronic asthma
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Depression
  • Migraines
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • And more!

About IV Therapy

IV Therapy can act on all major cells and systems in the body, working in ways traditional oral medications and supplements cannot. When time is of the essence, or if the digestive system is compromised, IV therapy can work quickly and effectively.

How IV Therapy Works

With the use of IV therapy, nutrients and other substances can be delivered directly to your cells and tissues via the bloodstream. IV therapy may be beneficial for patients who cannot take oral supplements due to health conditions. IV therapy is often necessary when the organs involved in the digestive system (stomach, liver, intestines, etc) are no longer functioning optimally. However, these therapies are by no means exclusive to these ailments. Rather, they may help many people to address a variety of different health challenges.

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The different types of

IV Therapy

At Dr. Schlee Naturopathic Clinic, we provide the following IV Therapy services:

Infection & Immune Support

Our immune system can suffer from suboptimal function due to factors such as poor sleep, stress, and/or  poor diet. IV Therapy involves infusion of substances that may help the body strengthen its immune response, and/or help eliminate microorganisms harmful to the body.

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Vitamin & Mineral Therapy

Vitamins and minerals are key elements of optimal health. IV therapy allows for the rapid and concentrated delivery of these important nutrients beyond what would be ordinarily possible through diet or supplements.

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Energy & Metabolic Support

With a careful selection of ingredients, IV formulas have been shown to improve energy, metabolism, immune function, and more.

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Nutrient Infusion

Nutrient IV therapy involves delivering essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients directly into the bloodstream via an intravenous (IV) catheter or butterfly needle. This method of delivery bypasses the digestive system, allowing the body to absorb nutrients quickly and efficiently.

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Why IV Therapy?

IV therapy has been used by Naturopathic doctors as a mainstay therapy, essential in employing a holistic approach to patient health and overall well-being. In line with the principles of Naturopathic Medicine, intravenous therapy provides the tools necessary for the body to rapidly repair and recover.

What are the benefits of IV therapy?

Without proper nutrient support, some essential functions in the body may become impaired or operate suboptimally. IV therapy can assist in quick provision of these missing nutrients, thereby correcting any functional impairments.

Some of the advantages of IV therapy include:

  • Rapid replenishment of nutrients
  • Support of metabolism and immune function
  • Minimization of side effects that may come from oral supplements or medications.
  • Helps maintain vital bodily functions
  • Safe, effective, and proven to improve overall health and wellbeing.

How can IV therapy work for me?

We provide our patients with IV therapy formulations based on their current health needs, which may be based upon health history, diet, lifestyle and other influencing factors. Individualized care is at the forefront of our considerations, and formulation of a treatment plan that mirrors your body’s requirements can often be a significant step towards optimal health and wellness. 

Dr. Schlee and his team are qualified and trained to offer many different types of IV therapies. When you come into our clinic in Calgary, we will assess your overall health, and correlate how IV therapies may benefit your needs. As with all our therapies, our goal is to help you to live with your best health!

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For Questions or To Book An Appointment:

Phone: 403-301-7406

For Inquiries About Services

Phone: 587-888-1175

Clinic hours

Monday – Friday: 9 am to 5 pm

Located at the Paradigm Health Group

Suite 529, 10333 Southport Road SW
Calgary, Alberta, T2W 3X6